• Founded by tech enthusiasts, Camenta Systems is creating IT tools powered by the state-of-the-art AI technologies. Mainly focused on cybersecurity area Camenta Systems is an expert on AI technologies.

    Our mission: We're committed to safeguarding digital landscapes by staying ahead of cyber adversaries. With cutting-edge technology and a relentless focus on application security, we're not just responding to threats; we're detecting them in real-time and proactively update cybersecurity teams.

    Hasan Oğuz Cenk Hasırlıoğlu Kutay Karaoğlu

    • More than 60 years of experience

    • Worked for international IT companies

    • Proven sales records

    • Managed multimillion USD annual bugdets

    • Founded 2 Deep-tech Startups

  • Create clever things with us!

    Working at Camenta Systems means being a part of a community that values growth, mutual trust and respect.

  • Don't miss the next BIG thing!